Monday, January 17, 2011

It Is the Little Things....

Life changes so much when you have children.  I haven't purchased myself a new outfit in forever.  But get thrilled if someone gives me things they don't wear anymore!  Some of the littlest things make me happy now

My weekend was great, starting on Friday!  It worked out that both my daycare kiddos were going to be gone for the day, so my mom came over to hang out with us.  We surprised Flower by showing up at her school just in time for lunch with a couple of McDonald's bags full of food.  The look on her face when she realized we were there was priceless!  (This is the first time since she has been in school that I have been able to go eat with her!)  My mom and I visited a new shop here in town, and she bought me the prettiest skirt!  Its a little shorter than what I normally wear (hey, I'm a prude).  It comes just to the bottom of my knees, so I guess it isn't really that short.

Not long after we came home, one of my dearest friends and her three little ones came over for a visit.  We drank tea and chatted all afternoon.  It was lovely!  I haven't had so much adult interaction in I don't know how long!  Flower went home with my mom to spend some Nana-Papa-Flower time.  They are the best of friends so I know they all enjoyed that.

Barb Wire Man got to come home that night!  Last week was so busy for him that we had only seen him for two hours since last Sunday.

Saturday was spent just hanging out, doing nothing.  Soaking in as much time with the hubs as possible.

Sunday, I got myself and the kids ready for church, and visited a new church with my bestie.  I will most definitely be going back.  The worship was amazing, and the sermon was written just for me.  The rest of the day was wonderful!

Barb Wire Man was going to convert Little Man's crib into a "big boy bed", since he turns two on Friday.  Rather, he installed a new refrigerator!  Backtrack.....not new.  Actually older than the one I originally had.  But, I have the tiniest kitchen.  I mean, I have seen efficiency apartments with bigger kitchens, and I despise my kitchen.  I couldn't open the door of our cold stacked fridge without hitting the cabinet opposite of the thing!  Our next-door-neighbors just purchased on of those super awesome 3-door refrigerators, and wanted a "beer fridge" for the garage.  So we traded them!  Now, I had a side by side, with ice and water in the door.  More storage space, and the best part?  I can actually open the door completely and it doesn't hit my cabinet!

I am thrilled.

And I woke up with an order from my Etsy store today, so I am thrilled!  Its going to be a wonderful day, and a wonderful week!  Hope yours is great, too!

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