Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Christmas Story

Growing up in a Christian family, I've heard the Christmas story a few hundred times in my 29 years on this earth.  Something about having children completely changed that story for me.  

I was 8 and a half months pregnant with Little Man around Christmas.  As I was driving to work, the DJ on my favorite radio station was reading the Christmas story, and I literally had to pull over because I was sobbing.  I started to think about my soon to be born son.

Would he look like his Daddy?
Would he be as good a man as his Daddy?
Will I be able to teach him how to treat a lady?
Will he learn how to be rough and tough when he needs to be, but gentle and loving at the same time?
Will he grow to love the Lord?
How will I react the first time he jumps out of a tree and breaks his arm?  
How will I react when I discover a bug collection in his bedroom?
How will I react when he brings home a girl?

Can you just imagine Mary, probably only 13 years old, not yet married, and carrying the Son of the Holy Spirit?  She must have certainly thought those same things, but on an even greater scale.  This wasn't just any little boy.  That God trusts any of us flawed humans with a child is beyond me.  I know I make mistakes right and left (and thankfully, my children still love me!)  

I'm almost at a lost for words as to how I feel when I hear the Christmas story, now.  Its so much more emotional.  I look at my kids, and wonder how Mary felt.  She had all those same concerns, but she was entrusted with Jesus.  


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post today.

    I love the Christmas story. My Dad always rad it to us before we could open our Christmas presents. We heard the true meaning of Christmas every year until my Dad's last Christmas. He didn't read it to us.

    Just makes me cry thinking of it.



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