Monday, January 10, 2011

Productive Days

Its the simple things that make me happy...hugs from my babies in the mornings, the wink my man gives me when I catch him staring at me, hot tea, and getting a lot of things done!The cold weather has finally attacked this part of Texas with a vengeance.  Its cold...21 degrees...and colder than when I wok up at 5:00 this morning.  Flower ran to the window, the whole time saying "Please let there be snow so we don't have school!  Please let there be snow!", only to discover that there was, in fact, no snow.  But she has her mom's positive attitude and said "Oh well, I guess I wanted to go to school anyway!"

I had already put the house in order for day care kids to arrive, and had my to breakfast by 7:00, dropped flower off at the school by 7:45, and made it to the bank by 8:00.

The boys played so well today, that I was able to get 4 scarves sewn!  I would have had 5, but ran out of the right color thread, and you can bet there was no way I was taking 3 boys under two to the Wal Mart in this cold weather.

Bills have been paid, thanks to God yet again providing for our needs at just the right time.

Lunch has been eaten, and the three angels are asleep in their beds.  Its gray and dreary out, which usually makes for a great nap time.  So here I sit, in the quiet, alone.  And I love it.

I plan on trying out a new stew recipe for supper tonight, as well as making some cookies and some home-made bread.  I'm running low, and I like to keep it around all time time.  I'd rather bake on cold days, too, because it helps heat the house.

I'm thinking after our stew and bread, the kids and I will build a fire, and sit in front of it and read a book.  Flower and I are working on reading The Trumpet of the Swan together.  It was one of my favorites as a child, so I hope to pass that love onto her.  She reads a few pages to me, then I read a few to her.  She also told me this morning that she wants me to teach her multiplication!  I had been thinking about doing this, but since it is her idea it will be more fun!

Suppose I should go pick up a pair of needles and get to knittin'.  I have a craft show coming up in March that I am really looking forward to, so I want to make sure I have plenty of things in stock!  The show I am doing is also the show my grandmother did on a religious basis.  Its going to bring back some memories of some really great times I had with her!

Hope everyone stays warm, and has a productive day too!

Yivarechech Adonai L'Olam Va'ed

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